Sunday, June 21, 2009


Dear Baruch College,

Though you have tried to incorporate new forms of technology your attempts have failed. With the right ideas and types of new media applications students could really benefit. They could avoid some of the current pitfalls that are attached to Baruch's offered college experience.

One particular way to help students would be to create a virtual representation of the Baruch Campus. By placing this feature on the college's website, potential students could see different restaurants that are within the area. Students could also learn to navigate their way around New York City. In addition they could see how far away distances really are to be more prepared and on time for classes. Another benefit that would arise because of a virtual college would be to help students navigate within the actual college. Students could explore where different departments, student organizations and resources are located within the college, giving them more control over their college experience.

Another new media that Baruch college could employ is a twitter account. By creating a twitter the school could see what problems and issues students face. They could see how frustrating elevator and escalators are for students and ultimately solve these issues. The college could gain insight and monitor which classes are pushing students to think. The college could then create more classes to reach the student's needs.

The biggest problem Baruch could solve through the use of new media would be to create more communication within various departments. Through the use of technologies like wikis employees in the registrar could communicate more effectively with financial aid. If all the workers were knowledgeable on the proper way to handle different situations students face, more people could graduate on time, remove unpaid debts and even increase study abroad enrollment. The college could, as a whole, function more smoothly, making students and staff's lives easier.

By addressing these issues and incorporating more new media technologies Baruch could become more creatively friendly, and more well known. By using these innovative applications students could see how technology can revolutionize the learning process. I strongly advise Baruch to start catching up with the times!

Yours Truly,
A Concerned Student,
- Sophia

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